Day 704 when I demand peace and tranquility.

When I demand peace and tranquility its because there is a fight going on in me, because I understand something needs to change. 

Although It was promised to me! But my acceptances and allowances longing for Fulfillment this experience of promise as expectation keeps me in place. Focusing at the external promise, as promised accepted within my mind which then  controls me as a unwritten rule. 

My experience of expectation mind achievement Devised certainty. For context please see my previous posts. 

What I want develop a kind of "perspectivist flexibility", that is, being easily able to put myselve in the shoes of other perspectives. Empathize with the different points of view that live in other people and the organization.”

I realize see and understand 'in me as me' something I somewhere in my life decided and created as existence, I manifested within my mind that I submit myself to as my own written mind rule/agreement: 'I need to achieve certainty which must be executed'. 

'The certain outcome which I had in mind was I just want to maintain a semblance of peace in the house. What I wanted to avoid was aggression and violence.' 

I realize see and understand that I was expecting for and maintaining a semblance of peace in my mind Because I was Overwhelmed by the energy of my assumption and experience of insecurity and unsafty and then I experienced the energy of dissatisfaction. 

If my mind experience of peace Is disturbed I become coercive because my desire wants and needs demands for because my desire for peace and tranquility is disturbed, then I experience the energy of being dissatisfied. 

Which is important to understand that the world around us is a reflection of who
we are inside. We can not start giving direction to our external world without first
address our internal world.

Only once we are able to direct ourselves from within we will give the opportunity to 
discover and to give direction to our external world - right and one with how we direct ourselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that a promise became my unwritten rule. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that my unwritten rule became my experience of expectation. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that my experience of expectation I want to achieve as my mind Devised certainty. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed that I demand myself that I need to achieve certainty/perfection. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself assuming that I need to achieve perfection which must be executed. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself if my mind experience of peace Is disturbed then I realize that I become coercive. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that my desire, as wants and needs, demands for peace and tranquility. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself when my innocence Beingness is disturbed, then I experience the energy of being dissatisfied. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself within my mind 'I want and demand Peace and tranquility'. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself if want and demand Peace and tranquility If disturbed then I experience anger in my body because I feel worse. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself If I feel worse because Peace and tranquility is disturbed, then I experience the energy of anger in my body. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I submit myself to my unwritten mind rule that others need to honour my agreement to be Quiet. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I accepted and allowed myself assuming that others need to honour my agreement to be Quiet. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I was told by others to honour there agreement to be Quiet. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I experience the energy of anger when I think about the people who told me to honour there agreement to be Quiet. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself the people who told me to be Quiet Reacted to each other with anger. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself when I think about the people who told me to honour there agreement to be Quiet, I think they were not honest. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself when I think about people Who tell me something, then I do not automatically assume that they are honest'. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I commit myself to my unwritten mind rule that others should have to honour their agreements.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself when I do not automatically assume that they are honest, then I Stop myself and Breath. 

If and when I want to achieve my mind Devised certainty,then I Stop myself and Breath. 

I realize see and understand to honour agreements of others I first need to be honest about what is going around in my mind. 

I commit myself that I have to understand, which is important, that the world around us is a reflection of who we are inside. We can not start giving direction to our external world without first address our internal world.

Thanks for reading! 


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