Day 640 the being scorned personality

For context please see my previous blog. 
The definition of scorn is a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. A favourite emotion employed by the bullies and those who think themselves better than others. For context please see my previous blog 'Day 639 realization after writing my blog about appointment'. 

Scorned, defenition of scorn:
Feel or express contempt or derision for.
For example: "I was routinely ridiculed and scorned by conservatives and liberals alike"
The difference with admire:
The word admire means regard (an object, quality, or person) with respect or warm approval.
For example: "I admire your courage"

Being scorned: Contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable or unworthy: viewed his rivals with scorn. b. The expression of such an attitude in behavior or speech; derision: heaped scorn upon his rivals. c. The state of being despised or dishonored: held in scorn by his rivals.

Sounding my Layers of being scorned. 
Unfaithful is also a Assumption which reminds me of being scorned. 
Second thought: they are not faithful walking there unwritten appointments they has to follow when they raise their children. 
Third thought : they have to listen and consult their children because they have To get unconditional understanding what they are want and need when you offer them your support. Unconditional understanding 'They first have to Collect: 'I realize, see and understand.' They have to take care. 


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