Day 752 awareness.

From What does my view of the other person consist of?

What a rigid man you are? You are not flexible at all. Your actions stem from rigidity. You can't behave differently at all. In addition, you always brag about the many activities you do for others. 

When I think about this person then I realize see and understand that what pops-up in my mind is that: 'you always put yourself in the center and demand all the attention from others. You emphasize How special you are for that what you do for others, you say I do not say what I do for others because In return I want receive positive appreciation. 

Then I start thinking so that's why you don't name this Again and again, over and over again, over the years I know you Identify you self with the personality 'how busy you are with helping others', but why do you name it, At every occasion and during every meeting with fellow volunteers. Why?'

Awareness is about the need That I neet to step out of my own views I wrote about before. Meaning that I manifest from my assumptions. The views and mind information I'm aware of within my Beingness as Innocence. 

This Beingness without Standing and walking under the influence of the energy of my assumptions, within my personalities, as thoughts, emotions and feelings, Here for I am responsible. And this realization is one of the steps that I have accepted and allowed myself as my goal to walk.

Thanks for reading!


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