Day 728 learn to discern.

Learn to be able to discern. 
There must be balance, no relinquishment or resignation and yielding. This requires see the quickness of mind with deep inner attention. We must learn to contemplate our actions, our thoughts, our ideals and beliefs quietly without judging, without interpreting them in any particular way, so that we will be able to discern their true meaning. We must first of all know our own ideals, drives and desires, without accepting or condemning them as good or evil.

As it is now, it is impossible for us to discern what is true and what is false, what is permanent and what is impermanent, for our mind is so mutilated by its self-created desires, ideals, and evasions that it fails to perceive purely, is capable of. So we must first learn to consider our hindrances and brakes that cause the suffering in a still and balanced manner.

How can you distinguish between who is being sincere [...] and who is not?

being Selfhonest 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself for my mind is so mutilated by its self-created desires, ideals, and evasions that I fails to perceive purely. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I did not learned, to be able to discern. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself If I decide impulsively without consultation, then I first need to Stop myself and Breath.

I realize see and understand that if I want to act impulsively that I fails to perceive purely and see the consequences of my decision. 

I commit myself to first perceive purely before I walk into the consequences of my decision. 

Thanks for reading!


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