Day 747 alcoholism

Some time ago I was asked to write about my experience with the Desteni Lite and Pro Process. Which I Did! 

My post See here:
'From alcoholic to self responsible individual with the Desteni dip tools.'

At that specific moment it didn't dawn on me how much I let myself be, as physical Beingness, limited by choices I made, responding at information stored within my individual determined mind extent. Which was activated by external performances. The storage includes information about my interpretation from experiences I had in relation with my unfulfilled needs, expectations and desires.

Experienced memories added into my physical body and Beingness. Visible made mind resonance by using the Desteni tools. Influences formed by feelings, expectations, hope, assumptions, emotions or thoughts. 

At Desteni we thoroughly research and investigate the essence of what it means to live responsibly and fully. This research is done through the participation of everyone that is interested and dares to take on the journey of self-discovery. 

My last example is from this year. I was Following and noticed the energy of boredom, due to the loss of meaning because I could not work, I started to abuse alcohol again. During this introspection I realized that I derive my identity from work. 

Under my desire for recognition, which I received through my work, sat anger, disappointment, sadness and lost joy. 

By eliminating distractions, the vulnerabilities of my childhood presented themselves. I went to an addiction clinic where I allow myself learn new insights. 

Therefore I could process my Child pain. Which I Stored in my body and mind. Oppressed emotions, following on assumptions and thoughts. 

This because of the experience of disappointment. Which I became aware of after the disappearance of positive feelings. 

Caused by the loss of recognition after my job and daily distractions Stopped.

Use the tools.

If and when I experience lost of direction due to distraction, then I Stop myself and Breath!

I realize see and understand that distraction, distracts from unpleasant sensations. Not being seen requires recognition. Both in relation to others and what I had stored, Suppressed by distraction and wanted to avoid By using alcohol. 

Thanks for reading! 

To learn more about the DIP lessons and what they are all about, please visi 


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