Day 725 over scrupulous.

Over scrupulous, in all honesty, I do have some critisism to make. For context please see my previous post. 

In all honesty, seriousness, truthfulness. Said when expressing your opinion honesty, truthfully or seriously. 

In all honesty, seriousness, truthfulness. Said when expressing if someone else will be communicating there opinion honesty, truthfully or seriously, I experience the energy of rejection being critisized. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself if I experience the energy of rejection 'being critisized' then I assume what a pedantic person she/he is. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed if I assume what a pedantic person she/he is it's because I experience being critisized. 

If I experience the energy of rejection being critisized, then I Stop myself and Breath. 

I realize see and understand that it's not this easy for me not experience myself being critisized. Doing things perfectly or in control then I want to avoid critism. 

I commit myself because it's not this easy for me not experience myself being critisized that I need to do some writing works. 

Thanks for reading! 


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