Day 658 enjoyed.

Let me Look today at what I Like. Which things I really enjoy. Which doesn't bother me. What I like is to talk with my Niece. She's studying At the University College Roosevelt, an education build around you Which there website Recommends. I like this approach, that the student is leading. 

Enjoy, take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).

We spoke about Mythology, what was religion for the ancient Greeks, one of the subjects of the minor Art and Humanity. She explained the difference between Gods and heroes to me. It's interesting for me that she takes the time to do so. She's very Patient and what she tells me she does with examples. I enjoy her passion and Dedication. 

When I enjoy our conversation I do not have a goal in mind to have a nice talk. It's just happening. But when I start thinking I want to have a conversation and there is no one here, then the backchats, pictures about nice conversation, pictures about, feelings and emotions the longing for and the missing pops up into my mind, body and Beingness. When I start missing where I am longing for then I have the idea of missing in myself. This participation of missing, manifest the energy of missing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I start missing when it's not present or included when expected or supposed to be.

If and when I feel lonely, then I Stop myself and Breath. 

I realize see and understand if there is no one available to have a conversation, I start thinking about moments where I had nice talks with friends, which I can't control anymore.

I realize see and understand this missing starts when I think about those moments which makes me feel sad and also happy. 

I realize see and understand the opposite direction of sadness and happiness creates the energy, and when the missing and longing starts,then I can Stop myself and Breath.

If and when I feel sad because I miss the energy of happiness, then I Stop myself and Breath. 

This missing of the energy of happiness because I feel sad, I can overcome by doing something to suppres those opposite energy manifestations, like using drugs or watching porn, or start running a marathon.

But I also can decide to Stop myself and Breath. 

Write yourself to freedom


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