Day 636 how then

Because B did not respect or answered my wishes, how did I set my borders then? Without B examples, Then I had to walk my steps in a open space without coordinates. Co-ordinate as ordered. 

Characters I wrote

Without the signs, from Words or Assumptions. We got learned to presume: 'when someone prays to die its about this person wants to live'. First we Has to Do things To resist time-honored temptations. Resisting temptations, such as money, Power and sex and new addictions such as drugs, alcohol and gambling. 

Once addicted always addict, was the mantra of the addiction health care. Perhaps a point of getting Power over people? 
The information we received, as excepted became our mind building blocks, startingpoint of the arguing, control system, speaking about good/bad with ourselves started here. 

Tantrum an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.
"he has temper tantrums if he can't get his own way".

Why does this temper tantrum exist within our mind in the first place? Or our wish to die? Perhaps of the Past references, as the examples created for us, showed to us, to unlearn, to realize, see and understand? What? There always where examples within our environment which we had to follow-up. 

So when we were born, examples as Words and Assumptions already exists. Which became our Words and Examples which we accepted and allowed. We became The Concept of Being 'infected' seeds with consciousness, first we has to see and 'disinfecting' ourselves/seedlings.

Key is to focus on the present moment and the future we are creating, re-eating as consciousness walk the desinfecting proces, into a world and people we'd want to be born into and with.


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